Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Beer barrel truck model

This is a truck carrying barrels of beer for my brew house. The only commercial parts are the wheels, the steering wheel, and the barrels.  The rest is mostly wood and card stock with metal wire for the axles.  I used photos of old beer trucks for my modeling inspiration.  I do not know why the barrels are tilted on the truck instead of upright but that is how they looked in the photos I saw.

There is a plastic windshield.  The fenders were made from file folder card stock and shaped then coated with white glue to hold the shape.  

Below is an old photo of a beer barrel truck.

This blog site is getting harder to use.  If you want to send me a comment or question without posting it on the blog send it to  That seems to work.  

 Now again I need to figure out what to ankle next. 

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