Friday, September 17, 2021

Abandoned building model start

 I have started on a new model.  It will be an abandoned building in bad shape.  Not sure yet what it was before it was abandoned but some kind of shop.  

I have decided to stay with this blog for now.  I fixed the "warning" problem.  I have also been looking at alternate blog sites but so far none appeal to me.  I did set up something on a site called word press but I have not posted anything there and do not particularly like it.

Above is the start on my model.  It is just the front of the main building and a porch/platform.  It will have a large sign at the peak of the roof.  There will be an open double door to allow some view of the interior.  The windows were made using wood strips and there is plastic in the windows simulating broken glass.  No commercial parts so far.

There will be junk inside, on the porch, and around the model.  There will be a "shop" structure adjoining this structure. 

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