Friday, February 18, 2022

Leather repair shop model

 This model represents a leather repair shop where all types of items made of leather or having leather surfaces are refurbished and repaired.  There is a main building and a shop with a deck attached.  The main building has commercial windows and a metal door and clapboard siding.  

I installed interior details in the shop because I like doing details but as usual they are hard to see.  You can see a figure holding a box and a metal barrel at the left side of the door.  On the dock is a "wooden" box and a pallet with a pile of leather sheets on it.  The leather was made using a piece of facial tissue sprayed painted on both sides with a tan color paint.  I then cut it up into small sheets about a scale 4 x 4 feet more or less. 

Above is a view of the right side where you can see a sign listing some of the items they repair.  There is a small platform inside the door with a sloped ramp to the floor.  

Above is a view of the rear of the structure and the left side.  The stack was made from a piece od plastic spreue with a small diameter plastic straw on top and a paper cap.  The rear window on the shop was scratch built large to try and get as much light as possible inside the shop.  The shingles on the main building are by BEST.   

Now again to figure out what to build next.  

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Old shack model

 While trying to decide what to model next I decided to make another old shack.  They are relatively simple to build.  I started this by constructing an internal framework then made the walls board by board.  There are a few scratch built interior details - a stove, a table and a chair which as usual are hard to see despite an open door and some windows.

There is a man holding an axe in front of the shack by the steps.  There are a number of log pieces and board scraps on the ground around the shack.  On the right is a casting of some trash barrels one of which is on its side.  

Above you can see the left side with a ladder leaning against the wall/

Above is a view of the back.

Above is the framework I started with.

My next model is already in the planning and is another shop.