Thursday, February 3, 2022

Old shack model

 While trying to decide what to model next I decided to make another old shack.  They are relatively simple to build.  I started this by constructing an internal framework then made the walls board by board.  There are a few scratch built interior details - a stove, a table and a chair which as usual are hard to see despite an open door and some windows.

There is a man holding an axe in front of the shack by the steps.  There are a number of log pieces and board scraps on the ground around the shack.  On the right is a casting of some trash barrels one of which is on its side.  

Above you can see the left side with a ladder leaning against the wall/

Above is a view of the back.

Above is the framework I started with.

My next model is already in the planning and is another shop.

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