Monday, March 7, 2022

Roadhouse restaurant model

 This model is a roadhouse restaurant.  A roadhouse is something located along a frequently traveled road and contains a restaurant and frequently a bar, and sometimes minor accommodations for travelers.  They used to be quite common but I think they are now infrequent.  This model has a restaurant on the lower level and accommodations on the upper level.  The restaurant has clapboard walls and the upper level and the areas below it have vertical board walls.  

There is a board walk along the front of the restaurant and you can see there is a bench with two people on the roof of the restaurant.  There is also a planter on that roof.  On the left corner of the upper roof peak is a white bird. 

Above you can see the stairs to the upper floor.

Above is a rear view and you can see the upper and lower stacks.   All windows are plastic by Tichy.  The lower flat roof is card stock and the upper roof is card stock covered with paper strips for tat paper.  

Above are two photos of actual roadhouse restaurants.  

And now to figure out what to build next.

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