Friday, January 27, 2023

Derrick attached to drive machinery

I have completed finally the derrick for the drive machinery.  It took me a long time because I had to scratch build the pulleys along with the wiring and it was complex.   

The derrick is on a wood platform made with individual boards and the derrick beams are wood.  The pulleys are card stock sides with a short piece of wood dowel between them.  The hook is a commercial metal casting.  The wires are pieces of brass wire painted black.   

The rear view above shows a ladder leaning on the shed, a wood pallet and scenery on a piece of card stock.  

1 comment:

  1. Building pulleys with cardstock and wood reminds me of the Alexander "Little Hook" kit. Castings were included, but the builder was still required to make many parts from the dowel and paper provided. Admittedly I set aside the paper and used styrene strip after a frustrating failed attempt to make the paper work. It simply wasn't stiff enough or perhaps I was too ham-handed. That was several years ago now and I've learned to work with paper in new ways since then.

    Nice job on the details.
