Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scenery modeling method

One of the tools I use in doing my scenery work is a blender.  I bought my own cheap one as my wife would kill me if I used hers.  It is great for grinding up scenery materials.  One thing I grind up is dead leaves which are freely available in the fall, and can still be found now.  You need to be sure they are totally dry and free of critters such as bugs.  After grinding them thoroughly I strain them though a strainer to remover the large pieces, stems and veins.  The straining process can be repeated if desired.  The resulting finely ground leaves make nice scale model leaves to place under your trees and as a forest base.  I keep the ground leaves in a can and use them as needed.  One nice thing is they are already the correct color for dead leaves.

Another scenery material I grind in the blender is decorator moss which can be found in craft storers such as Michaels.  It is mostly too coarse to use as it comes, but after grinding in the blender it results in smaller chunks and fine material.  The resulting material makes a good rough weedy ground cover which is again the right coloring for weeds.

There are many more natural materials mostly found in a dried condition in the fall to provide you with a varied cheap source of scenic material.

Just some thoughts.

More to come on the brick works which is progressing nicely and should result in more photos soon.

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