Sunday, April 10, 2011

Steam & Tractor show

I attended a steam and tractor show at the county farm museum nearby today.  Neat old engines on display including one steam tractor that was driving around the display area.  My main purpose in going ( I have attend many times in past years) was to get some photos of small engines to model for the portable conveyor I have built to load the clay disintegrator at my model brickworks.  There were a number there of various sizes and types.  One thing I did not realize was that some of the larger vintage engines were driven by propane as early as the mid-late 1800's.  As one of the exhibitors mentioned the early oil fields had engines used to pump the oil that were driven by the natural gas by-product from the oil wells.

Above is the steam tractor.  It has a piercing steam whistle

This is a "scratchbuilt" 1906 Olds rail inspection car built follow plans and photos of the original.  The guy that built it is searching for an authentic Olds engine to power it.

This is a small gasoline driven engine that is what I was looking for to model

This is a small backwoods type sawmill that is a permanent exhibit at the museum.  The saw, driving belt and tractor that is providing the power is to the left out of the photo

A very early tractor which while very rusty was running with lots of pops and puffs

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