Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tannery Engine House

I have completed the engine house that contains the Corliss engine that drives the tannery machinery.  The engine is driven by steam from the yet to be built boiler house.  The pipe to the boiler house projects from the engine house to the left of the left side door. While I have built the engine house roof it is not shown here, and is (at least for now) removable.  There is a hole in the floor near the right front for wiring for a light for the interior.

I like detailing interiors and sadly most is seldom visible.  Inside is a workbench. some barrels, a storage cabinet, several pieces of miscellaneous machinery from the scrap box, a ladder, and a workman.  There are a number of posters on the walls (mostly pinups to entertain the workers).

The engine house is affixed to the beam house wall, and the right side of the engine house is unfinished as it will be covered by the adjoining tanning pit building (yet to be built).

I am now working on the finishing building which is in the front of the complex to the left of the wash house and behind the engine house.  Things are probably going to slow down for my modeling as the holidays approach, but there is no timeframe on my hobby work - just the fun of modeling.

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