Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tannery finishing building

The finishing building is the last stop for the hides before they are shipped.  Here the hides from the tanning facility (I have not yet built this) are sorted, dried, trimmed, and receive various colors and finishes as ordered by the buyer.  In my tannery the hides are packed in crates for shipping.  While I have a good number of vintage leather manufacture books, going into tedious detail on what occurs in the finishing process is probably not of much interest to the casual modeler.

Above is a photo of my completed finishing building.  The rail siding is to the right and the loading dock where the figure is standing serves that siding.  The right side of this building adjoins the previously built wash building.  The rear of this building backs up to the engine house and the tanning building which extends out beyond the left side loading dock used to receive supplies delivered by truck.  I have not detailed either of the hidden sides as I try not to waste time on invisible details.  The sign on the roof reads:

C W DAY TANNERY, We Tan Your Hides"

This is a wood clapboard siding building with a stone foundation and a wood shingle roof.  I am making each tannery structure a little different for visual interest.

The next structure I will build is the tanning building which will likely progress slowly due to the holidays.  The last structure will be the boiler house to provide steam for the Corliss engine.  The boiler house will be behind the rest of the tannery buildings and not connected (other than by the steam supply pipe).  The final details before applying scenery will include a water tower, an acid tank and perhaps some other small items.

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