Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dyeworks installed

The dye works is now installed.  It is located to the right of the brickworks I described long ago.

The piping on the main dye works structure is now connected to the various tanks.  I modified the piping to suit the final configuration.  You can see a little of the repair shop behind the tank platform.

I have named the dyeworks for Roger Sekera, a friend.  There is an empty, rusted barrel lying in front of the building next to the track (there are several others lying around).  I made the barrels from a soda straw which I painted a rust color, cut it to length, and glued a paper circle from a paper punch for the bottom.  A cheap and easy way to make hollow barrels.  I made about 16 of them so I have more to use in other locations.

In this view you can see the elevated walkway between the buildings.  There is a small stairway down to the roof at the left end of the walkway.  

Now I have to decide what my next construction project will be.  Meanwhile there is a lot of touch-up scenery work to be done on the layout.   

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