Friday, May 25, 2012

Modeling wrapped machinery

I had three plastic (acrylic?) console keys from a very old 1970's Honeywell mainframe computer sitting on a shelf with various mementos of my prior working years.  As I am slowly eliminating my accumulated stuff I almost decided to toss them in the trash, then while looking at them upside down they looked about right for an HO machine - but very plain.  I decided they might be interesting as a tarp wrapped load so I added a few crude details to provide "bumps" under the tarp then took a section of facial tissue and draped it over the plastic key.  I then wet the tissue to get it to lie flat against the key.  After it was dry, I dabbed it with Floquil white.  When that was dry I added various tints to get some shading.  I tied a piece of thread around each of the wrapped machines. Each "key" is painted slightly differently since this was an experiment.

Above are the console keys with some crude details added.

Above are the finished covered machinery models with an HO figure to give an idea of size.   These things were very simple and had about zero cost.  I think they look OK.

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