Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Another run down shack

It has been a while since my last post.  We had a bad storm in the area and although my outage and damage was minimal I hosted a friend who had lost power for several days.  I finally finished a second shack for my shanty town.

The old codger who lives here is sitting on his porch with his shotgun.  When in place on the layout his dog will be nearby in the grass.

As you can see from this view the shack was constructed using whatever was available and is in dis-repair. The window on the right is open and the shaggy curtains are hanging out the window.

I am thinking of building a small pipe foundry for my next model.  This business will also supply pipe insulation made from asbestos.  Keep in mind my layout era is before it was discovered that asbestos was really bad stuff.  When young I lived in a small house with asbestos shingles on the outside walls and up until about 10 or so years ago I had some small blocks of asbestos that I used for soldering.  I also had a tube of mercury that I got when I was a kid - I used to coat coins with it to make them shiny.  Probably accounts for my occasional wacky ideas.  This pipe foundry is only in the thinking about it and doing research mode now so may be a while before I have anything.

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