Monday, July 16, 2012

Pipe & boiler covering company

I have not posted in a while.  Life got in the way of model railroading.  I mentioned last time I would be building a small pipe foundry,  but as is often the case I changed my mind.  It is a pipe and boiler covering company inspired by the following vintage ad.

As mentioned before, it uses asbestos in the coverings which was in common use in 1939 - the era of my railroad.  I elected to use a cheap Pola plastic kit in my junk box for the basic building.  I cut off the top window area and only used the bottom cinderblock section.  I tossed the doors and made my own, and made a roof with a small clearstory. I added a brick addition on the back to house the boiler and used a mechanical pencil part for the stack.

I have to add the signage on the exterior.  I will make that using the Apple Keynote software (like MS Powerpoint) which is easier and quicker than decals or dry transfers.  When I install the structure on my layout I plan to include a small industrial narrow gauge track system (non operating) to move the pipes and boilers in and out of the plant as well as an overhead crane system to load and unload freight cars.  There will also be my usual collection of industrial junk littering the area and a few workers busy, or just loafing.  Did you ever notice when you see a bunch of workers only a few seem to be actually working?

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