Saturday, August 25, 2012

Erie Railroad Jersey City Coaling Station

The photo below is of the Erie Railroad Jersey City Coaling Station circa 1900.  Not sure what the loco was.  The gates were pivoted from the sides of cast iron lip chutes and opened by dropping them under the chute.  They were closed by cutting upward through the material against the open side of a chute, preventing any jamming or breakage.  They closed instantly, even when controlling the flow of lump anthracite.

I always find it interesting that workers of that period always seemed to be well dressed and usually wore hats.  The coal in the tender is quite large lumps.  This coal dock would make a neat model but I will not be building one.

What I am building is a small wooden lineside structure that is supported by posts, as the ground slopes away from the track where the the structure will be located.  I am not really sure at this point what this structure will be but I have cut out the sides as well as door and window openings.  It is a rather simple structure and could be almost anything.  Nothing worth a photo at this point.

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