Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lineside structure to be named later

I am building a small lineside structure that will be placed on a siding near a much larger industry structure, though there will be no connection between the two.  The ground slopes down from the siding at that point so the structure will be on posts of some sort.  I have not yet decided what this structure will be yet so at this point it is somewhat generic.  I have used commercially prescribed wood oriented vertically for the sides.  The windows and doors are styrene commercial products - the door by Tichy and the windows were in an unlabeled package so do not know the manufacturer.  I cut off pert of the top of each window so they do look different than the original.  One window at the rear of the building has had surgery to make the lower sash partly open.

Front View

Rear View

As you can see the rafters and roof have not yet been added.  As usual I have seriously weathered the siding starting with an A&I wash then streaking the boards with intermittent strokes of an acrylic craft paint named Ivory color.  Immediately after applying a dab of the paint I rubbed it in with the brush taking care to have some board areas not covered by paint.  After that was dry I gave it another A&I wash.  The windows and doors were painted with Floquil primer, then with green acrylic craft paint leaving a few small areas of gray showing.  When dry those got an A&I wash also.  

I decided to show some in-progress photos in case anyone is interested.  From time to time I look at some of the structure builds on the Railroad Line Forum which although they are mostly kits, some of the builders are quite skilled and I pick up ideas from their work which is frequently photographed at each step of the build.  Most of my methods for building models were acquired over the years by building craftsman kits many of which had good instructions with lots of tips.  My favorite manufacturer is South River Modelworks as they actually pattern their kits after real structures as opposed to the manufacturers who just make them up sometimes with strange results.  My major inspiration for my structure models has been a very large collection of old industrial books with vintage photos of industries and other structures.  Just my view of modeling - everyone has their own.

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