Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lineside industry now with an identity

I have finished the structure I was working on - sort of.  I have decided it will be a welding and used machinery company.  I always liked watching the Bob Ross painting shows and still watch some reruns since I frequently paint my own Xmas cards.  One saying Bob had as he painted was that as the painting progressed he would see things - to be added into his painting.  I kind of do the same as I build my models since I draw no plans and the model just sort of evolves.  In the case of this model I have decided since it is on a grade off the siding I will add a "basement" which will be the welding shop.  That is in progress.  There will be a road behind the structure at the base of the grade.

It is lots of fun building these structures.  More later.

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