Sunday, September 2, 2012

WW&F Narrow Gauge Railroad visit in August

Following my visit to the North Conway Scenic Railroad, I made another visit to the Wiscasset, Waterville and Farmington railway just above Portland Maine near the seaside town of Wiscasset.  The WW&F is a
small but neat narrow gauge museum railroad with a dedicated and active group of volunteers including some of my wife's relatives.  On this visit I got to ride the Model T railcar built from Ford model T parts to resemble a railcar once used by the SR&RL RR.  The railcar can hold 5 passengers and the driver.  Trust me it has no springs that amount to anything - I felt every joint in the rail.  When we got to the far end of the railroad I helped the driver crank up the railcar mounted turntable and turn the railcar for the trip back.

That is me doing the cranking.  Not too hard and fun trying.

Following our visit to the WW&F we went down to the town of Wiscasset for lunch then walked down to the seaside where the WW&F folks donated a dairy car for display on the dock area.

On the other side of the car the door is open and there are photos and memorabilia from the WW&F on display.

Off the side of the dock you can still see some of the pilings that used to carry the WW&F tracks over the water alongside the shoreline.

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