Monday, October 1, 2012

Barrel company conveyors

I have developed a rough floor/room layout for the barrel factory to fit the layout site and have been adjusting the site for the factory.  All of the barrel making functions will be on the main floor with a second floor used for storage of completed barrels awaiting shipment.   The factory is served by a siding that is an extension of an existing siding.  I had to carve out some scenery to fit that in.  The factory will sit on a raised area (raised in comparison to the siding and the other industries served by that siding).  Adjacent to the siding on the opposite side from the factory is the shipping dock - may be a little strange but that is what works for this site.  The barrels will be moved from the upper level storage area to the loading dock by means of a barrel conveyor.  Below are two photos of barrel conveyors.

The first photo shows an almost vertical lift and the second a lift at about a 45 degree angle.  I think these are really neat and I will include something similar on the model.

The wood "bolts" delivered to the factory are initially stored in the back area of the site, then are fed through a dry kiln channel/tunnel and heated to remove excess moisture.  I am in the process of making this kiln channel.  

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