Saturday, October 6, 2012

Barrel factory drying shed

I have been working on preparing the layout site for the barrel factory.  The first part of the factory I have built is the drying shed for the barrel bolts.  The bolts enter the shed from the right (back of the factory) and are pulled through the drying shed by the manual winch on the left of the photo.  The platform car has just emerged from the shed through the canvas door cover.  There are 5 wood "bolts" on the car.  The shed side you see will actually face the back of the layout with the other side backing up to the wall of the factory structure.  The track through the shed is made from styrene.  The platform car is made from styrene with commercial cast metal wheels.  The winch is a cast metal American Model Builders product.

The shed is sheathed in corrugated metal sheets (actually a commercial card stock product).  The track siding runs along the sheathed side of the shed with the barrel loading platform on the other side of the track.

As with most of my industries this one is highly condensed as compared with a typical prototype factory.  I prefer to have lots of different industries spread around the layout rather than a few large industries.

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