Friday, October 25, 2013

Rustic bridge to my log pond dump

I finally added some sides to the bare bridge base spanning the HO mainline and carrying the narrow gauge logging road to the dump site for the log pond.  Many years ago I acquired a partially started SS Ltd Dinky Creek Bridge kit from an estate.  The bridge per the kit was too long for the span I needed to  fill so I redesigned the bridge leaving off two vertical post sections while maintaining the general look of the bridge.  The kit was based on an actual bridge in the Sierra National Forest of California.

The kit consisted of strip wood and a variety of white metal nut & bolt castings.  I did not have room to place the cross beams under the bridge due to low clearance with the mainline below so they project out from the longitudinal bridge beams that have been in place for several years.  I drilled lots of holes to insert the bolt castings.  I am generally pleased with the result and I finally have a completed bridge.

The above view shows the log pond and sawmill in the background.  The sawmill is scratch built and has a Fantasonics company steam sawmill sound CD installed below the mill to provide mill sounds.  The CDs from Fantasonics are scratchbuilt sounds  (not recorded) and provide an hour of various non-repetitive sounds.  The pond was made using Envirotex 2-part epoxy with the logs and a log boat pre-glued to the pond base.  The color of the "water" was made by coloring the pond base before pouring the epoxy.  The sawmill complex and adjoining lumber drying and storage area are the largest industry on my layout.  The log storage area is a lift-out for access to that area.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Views of my city

A few years ago I built a city for one corner of my layout.  I did it quickly using mostly kits on hand as I was trying to fill the corner for an upcoming open house.  I named the city "Uniontown".  There is such a city/town in Western Pennsylvania but mine bears no resemblance to it.  I have since made a few modifications but it is essentially what I put in place then.  The main street going from the station to the backdrop ends in a small mirror between the buildings to give the impression the street continues.

The station is to the right foregound on the other side of the tracks out of view.  Two of the rooftop signs at the back - White Fuel and H&C Coffee are lighted with motion simulated by the lights.  These signs are by Miller Engineering who has a wide variety of lighted signs.

There is a construction crane in the empty lot to the left of the bus.  The crane has been demolishing the structure that stood there and the lot had dirt piles and detritus.  I will eventually show additional photos of the city.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Wood products yard and equipment

In the 1800s and early 1900s trees were heavily harvested for wood to be used for a variety of products such as rosin, charcoal, turpentine, etc.  While this industry was mostly earlier than the era of my layout, these processes were still being used  to some extent in 1939.  Wood yards were extensive and required some form of transportation for the wood and wood products - frequently an in-plant railroad.  Below is  a photo of a typical wood yard with rail cars for moving the wood and products.

Below is a photo of a different style of wood buggies.

This would make a neat industry to model but I am running out of room for industries on my layout.

I had a layout tour for the NMRA MER convention yesterday.  The visitors apparently liked what they saw.  

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Partially closed tunnel portal

I have been away at a funeral for the last week so finally here is a new post.  This is a tunnel on my layout that used to be a two track tunnel with the right track leading to a small staging yard under the layout.  It was too difficult to use and the lead was a tight curve so I removed the staging yard and lead track through the tunnel.  Since there was only one track remaining through a double track tunnel portal I decided to close off the side with no track.

The bridge above at the right is on my narrow gauge and leads to a coal dock.  Although the track I removed was flex track, I replaced it partially with distressed and aged wood ties.  Then I added grass and weeds.   It is different but I suspect some prototypes probably did this.

The MER convention is bearing down on me so I need to do more scenery work in preparation for the open house.  My layout is already about 95% sceniced but there is always more to do.