Monday, November 18, 2013

More steel hot metal car models

I added to my (now two) hot metal car fleet by building the Walthers plastic kit that has been sitting on my shelf for some years.  The Walthers car was very easy to build.  I did spend some time painting and weathering it.

The Walthers car is the one in the front while the one in the rear is the brass model I previously painted and weathered - though I made some modifications to the brass car since my previous posting.  I sprayed the Walthers car a dark gray then added a thin wash of acrylic red oxide.  The skull was made using fine brownish black cinder augmented by real fine rust.  I finished up with some reddish brown chalk dust.

Since the steel mill on my layout is really small I don't need many hot metal cars but they are fun to paint and weather.

- I previously mentioned the Stealth Cam that I have installed at the back of my yard.  I am getting a little smarter at using it and getting better photos.  Since my property backs up to park land we get lots of critters.  I have a dog bowl back there in front of the camera where we put bones and table scraps  (better than throwing them in the trash).  One frequent visitor is a fox shown here in a rare daytime appearance.

The night time photos are essentially black and white with lighting by an infrared LED array.  This is a just for fun camera.

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