Friday, November 22, 2013

Replacing a nondescript building in my city

I am replacing a building in my city that was a quickly modified cheap foam structure.  When I put the city in I wanted to get it done quickly for an upcoming open house.  Now I am going back and doing some upgrades and replacements.  The new structure is going to be a scratch built burlesque house.  This is the seedy part of the city so that will fit right in.  Here is the existing building that will be replaced.  The burlesque house will not be as tall but will have a large sign on top.

I will sell this building, or if nobody is interested, it will be tossed.  It is only a building front as the new one will be.

As usual when I scratch build, one of the most time consuming parts is the research and planning.  While I do not draw any detailed plan, I do make a sketch and ensure it fits and has a reasonably realistic appearance.  For this structure I am doing an Internet search for appropriate signs and posters.  I contemplated some fancy lighting but will likely not do that - at least not for now.  Most of my buildings are not glued down but merely set in place, so making later modifications is not difficult.  Where I do glue the structures down they are merely edge glued with white glue so are easy to remove with a little water around the edges.

My layout is almost totally sceniced and I am running out of room to installed new structures.  I have been thinking about tearing the layout down next year and building something new.  I like to build structures and scenery so it would be interesting to do something new.  If I do decide to build a new layout I will spend a good amount of time on the new design.

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