Thursday, December 26, 2013

Abandoned shack with siding and interior details

This project is moving slowly due to the holidays.

The siding is now installed and the undamaged side of the roof is installed.  The is a window on each side, the near one is broken out (I will probably add a damaged window frame) and the other window has "glass" with a crack in it.

This view from above shows the interior details I have added.  The cast iron stove was scratch built using part of the end of an old mechanical pencil, paper and wood scraps.  The stack is a plastic tube.  I also added a scratch built chair, a barrel and an open card board box made from paper.  The are also some wood and paper scraps laying around.  When I install this side of the roof - mostly on the left side - you will still be able to see the interior by looking down into it.  I plan to locate the shack near the edge of my layout so it can be seen.  More work to do.

One of the Christmas gifts I got from my wife was a set of 3 types of Aleene's tacky glue - the original, a fast grab version and a quick dry version. I have used the original Aleene's tacky white glue for years but never saw the other versions.  The pack is still sealed so I have not had a chance to try them but I always like tying new modeling tools and materials.  

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