Saturday, December 21, 2013

Abandoned shack - the framing

I like doing shacks, especially deteriorated shacks.  This shack has been abandoned and the roof is falling in. There is a hole in the floor boards and one wall is falling away. The only inhabitants are critters and an occasional squatter.  I started with a rough sketch, some basic dimensions and a few statements of what I planned to include.  Some of that has already changed.  The shack footprint is 12 foot by 20 foot. I am building this board by board to achieve the look I want.  I drew a framing template on the paper I always have taped to my workbench and built the side and end framing with scale 2x4s with 4x4 posts at the corners.  Here is an early progress photo.

As you can see I have the framing done for two walls.  There is a serious hole in the floor boards.  The boards have been stained with my trusty alcohol and india ink solution - no paint here.

This photo is from earlier this evening.  I have installed framing for all walls with part of the wall on the left breaking away from the structure.  I have also installed the roof frames at the back.  The roof frames on this end will be partially collapsing causing the roof to begin to fall in.  The door frame can be seen at this end.  I am making this up as I go so I am not totally sure how he collapsing part will be done.  There will be a simple porch and steps in front of the doorway.  I intend to have the door hanging by one hinge ready to fall off.

Since this photo I have begun installing the vertical siding boards.  There will be a lot of missing siding boards toward this end to ensure that the interior is visible.

More to come though the holidays will slow this down.

Merry Christmas!

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