Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sign company model progress

The building I am constructing to adjoin the galvanizing company will be a sign company.  I cannot determine what if any business the prototype is but my model has a similar look other than the signs.  This is still under construction - obvious since it has no roof yet - but that means I will be doing additional details and weathering to the two sides shown.

The right side is undecorated with just the top having brick siding since it adjoins another building.  The rear has one upper window but will have a shed added on the lower level.

The left side of the building houses the sign shop and the right door provides access to the upper floor.  The structure is built from internally braced heavy card stock with a brick overlay made using Holgate & Reynolds plastic brick sheeting.  The left door and windows are commercial plastic parts, and the door on the right which is cast metal.  

This has been progressing slowly as I have some other non model railroad tasks to do.  The colder than normal weather has been really annoying.

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