Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sign structure completed

Here is the completed model of my Fine Sign Company.  My lighting for these shots could have been better.

The roof is a card stock seamed copper roof product which I weathered but I do not remember the manufacturer.  The dormer window is built from styrene and card stock.  The gutters and downspouts are a British company plastic product.

Here you can see the sign company adjoining the galvanizing company building - it helps make that building's steep triangular upper floor make sense and is more or less what the prototype block looked like.

The shed on the rear of the building is there to break-up the very square shape of the main building.

I now have to come up with my next project, something that is often the most difficult part of my modeling.  One annual onerous task facing me is preparation of my taxes which will doubtless slow down my modeling progress.  The governments (federal and state) seem to constantly find new ways to grab more of our money, which they frequently waste on nonsense.  I am guessing this pain is felt in every country around the world.  Blogger provides me with a constant flow of statistics on where views of my blog come from and what is being viewed.  It is kind of fascinating to look at these from time to time.  There is no linkage between any of the statistics but I have had viewers from all around the world - some likely came by accident.  In any event the blog seems to draw interest and I have fun doing it.

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