Monday, February 17, 2014

Some vehicles for my layout

I spent the last week assembling two automobiles, one a kit and the other a build-up from a cast metal frame from some unknown kit.  The kit is a Sylvan Scale Models 1937 yellow taxi.  I had built a few Sylvan vehicle kits before but this one was a little disappointing.  First I do not care for the rubber tires for the wheels as it is difficult to make them look good due to the rubber flash.  Then when I tried to apply the "taxi" decal to the roof sign the decal disintegrated.  Before I then applied the "yellow cab" decals to the doors I coated the decal with clear flat to ensure it stayed together - that worked well.  I made a new roof sign by clipping a "taxi" sign off the internet, reducing them to the right size, and glueing two copies back to back.  I did not care for their tail light casting so I substituted two very small pins with the head painted red - the edge of the pin head thus providing a silver edge to the tail light.  They provided a vacuum formed clear plastic insert for the windows but upon inserting it inside the cab I could see that the top of the window casting curved inwards and looked bad so I applied small sections of clear plastic for the windows - a tedious task.
Other then those annoying issues the cab tuned out fairly well and fits my period.

My other project was to create a body for a cast metal frame as shown in the photo behind the auto model.  I obtained the frame with wheels and headlights form an estate so have no idea of the kit source.  I made the body mostly from card stock.  The photo is not great  but the resulting auto gives me a decent car for my layout.

I have a large number of vehicles on my layout but you can almost never have too many.

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