Sunday, April 20, 2014

Steam pump co details

I have completed a few interior details - shelving loaded with "stuff" and the office.  The shelves were made with card stock and the stuff on the shelves is mostly scraps.  The commercial equivalents are all molded including the stuff on the shelves so they tend to look blobby to me.  I did notice the shelves look a little rough in the blown up photo but "in person" it looks just fine.

I also detailed the exterior of the office.  I am not sure I will bother detailing the interior of the office as it is not visible and there will not be a light inside of it.

I added a clock and a fire extinguisher as well as an office sign over the door.  The large office window allows management to keep an eye on the work out side and the small window on the left is open with a small counter for interaction with the workers.

I am working on the design for a traveling crane inside the building.  It seems the design phase of my scratch building always takes more time than the construction phase, and since I mostly make up this stuff as I go along this is going slow.  It is all fun though.

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