Thursday, April 17, 2014

Steam pump co - interior start

All walls are essentially complete and the windows are installed, less the tilt-out panes, which will be installed near the end of the project to avoid breakage.  I have started on the interior.

The near wall above is the removable wall, held to the main structure by the corner trim.

In the above interior photo the ramp and platform on the left is for moving products out through the door (door not yet installed).  Next to the left side doorway is a shelving made from card stock.  I have not yet placed any items on the shelves.  On the right side is the office and to the left of the office is a workbench.   Near the front of the floor is one of the machines for manufacturing the pumps.  All of the belt driven machinery will be adjacent to the removable wall.

The photo below is an example of belt driven machines in a 1920s vintage manufacturing facility.

This model is similar in some ways to the box factory I built some time ago.  

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