Thursday, April 10, 2014

Steam pump company progress - slow

I have completed the four walls for my steam pump company, three of which are attached and connected to the floor.  The fourth wall, while basically complete, is not attached as the plan is to have it removable to view the interior of the structure.

Thus far the entire structure is made from styrene including the inside floor.  I have not yet installed the windows.  There will also be internal bracing that will simulate structural components.

The process of scratch building based on my own imagination always leaves open the possibility of running into situations where I need to adjust for problems I may encounter.  That always seems to occur so I expect this model will have its own challenges.

I have also built some SS Ltd belt driven machinery used to build the steam pumps.  I have not yet painted the machines.

This machinery will be installed on the side of the structure with the removable wall for best visibility.  That also means I will only need to install one line shaft for the belt drive system.   The power will be supplied by an external steam plant to be built later.

The construction process has been slowed by the inevitable spring lawn work.  Yesterday I spent several hours trimming some pyracantha bushes growing beside our deck.  They have been growing for 20 years and were way too big.  The bad thing about pyracantha is they have very large and sharp thorns.  The result is my arms have multiple cuts ( I did wear gloves).  They are attractive and the birds enjoy hiding in them.  Many of the plants we installed years ago have grown way beyond what we anticipated.

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