Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wall tunnel building completed

I have completed the building that will cover the opening in the wall from the main layout to the expansion section.  Fortunately, years ago when I was building my layout I created a tunnel through the wall into the next room in case I wanted to expand.  Here is the building that will cover that opening.

The opening on the left is where the track passes into the tunnel.  It simulates a covered loading dock.    The window openings show white behind them but will be dark when the structure is placed against the wall.  The fire escape is a plastic Tichy product.

This view shows the company sign on the roof.  Bilge barrels are named for the rounded bilge shaped barrel sides (like the side of a ship) and were consider to be strong and easy to up-end.  There is a sample barrel sitting on the outside loading dock by the door.  The company name was made up and does not refer to anyone I know.

Below shows the hole in the wall that this structure will cover.  I did not bother making it look good as it will be totally hidden.

You can see some of the scenery of the main layout through the short tunnel.

And here is the tunnel entrance from the main layout side.

The tunnel entrance is slightly above and to the left of the hopper in the center.  This appears to be a siding on the main layout side.

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