Friday, September 5, 2014

Marion steam shovel more progress

I have added a wood body framework to the shovel model.  I am not using the scribed wood siding provided with the kit as I do not like the look.  Instead I am adding a partial board by board siding using 1 x 6 stripwood, which I stain with my india ink & alcohol solution before installing the strips.

By leaving the shovel partially open the details can be more easily seen.  

Below is a drawing of a Marion shovel from a 1920 engineering book.

On a separate subject, I was talking last week with a modeling friend and he noted that he was in the process of cleaning out the congealed glue from the cap of a bottle of white glue.  I used to have this issue, but since I generally only want a small amount of glue when working on a model, I now remove the cap from the bottle and use a toothpick to get a small amount of glue that I place on a small glass slide.  I then use the toothpick to apply small amounts of glue to the model. The result is no clogging of the bottle cap and I use only the amount of glue I need.

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