Saturday, September 13, 2014

More Marion shovel photos

A friend questioned me about the authenticity of Marion shovels with the sides open.  I guess we are familiar with the pristine commercial models and the Colorado narrow gauge versions.  I dug though my "stuff" (I have a lot of stuff) and found two photos of shovels in use with open sides.

This shovel seems to be deep in it's work.  The track appears to be temporary which was not uncommon for dig sites.

This photo is a little grainy but adequate to show the open sides of a shovel in use.

Next project

My next project is going to be a wood style warehouse to be located along the wall next to the varnish company but unrelated.  I am in the process of building a card stock mockup to get the size as well as the look and feel I want.  It is inspired by a photo of an old warehouse.

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