Sunday, September 7, 2014

Marion shovel completed

I have completed the Marion steam shovel kit, with modifications.  It was interesting to build.  I will now have to find a siding to place it on.  The left side has only partial siding so the machinery is visible.  I added a walkway board at the base of the left side to allow the crew to walk between the cab area and the back where the coal is located for feeding the boiler.  I saw this in a prototype shovel photo. I used a ladder on the side instead of the grab irons specified in the kit.

I added a whistle on the steam dome (not included in the kit) which protrudes from the roof behind the stack.   I also added two figures.  The figure in the rear is shoveling coal.

This model is fairly heavy due to all of the castings and is also fragile.

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