Friday, February 27, 2015

Bolt and nut company start

I have started on my bolt and nut company model.  This is another model built against the wall and will be adjacent to my metal bilge barrel company, which has a triangular footprint to accommodate the diagonal track through the wall.  For that reason the left side of the bolt and nut company has a triangular footprint to blend with the bilge barrel model.  The right side of the bolt and nut company will be parallel to the wall.  Below is the partially finished 2nd & 3rd stories of the left side of the structure.

The walls were made from parts of a Walthers modular brick wall kit.  Unfortunately when I bought this kit years ago I did not buy the additional columns kit (no longer available) to blend the walls together so I had to make my own additional columns.  The added columns are a light yellow brown as opposed to the walls and attached columns which are tan.  I also added a cap at the top using styrene strip.  The ground floor is being built using styrene block sheet.  The rest of this wall section will extend to the right at a 135 degree angle using the same wall material.

The bolt and nut industry in the United States began in the early 1800s with the bolt and nuts initially being made manually.  Initially most bolt and nut manufacturers were essentially blacksmiths.  Machines were later designed to mass produce the bolts and nuts.   Below is an example of a 1935 vintage die-threading machine for making bolts.

The right side of this industry will be an office wing using a different construction style, which I have yet to design.

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