Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Bolt and Nut company structure left side

The left side of the Bolt and Nut company is mostly complete.  There is no back or roof yet.  I am essentially building this structure piece by piece and fitting them together.

The structure is mostly built from styrene components - brick upper and block lower sections.  There will be a loading dock at the lower door.  Additional details  and cosmetic fixes are yet to be added - just thought I should update my progress slow as it is.   The annual preparation for payment of government extortion was taking a good bit of my time.

Froedert Grain & Malting

The collectible below was obtained some time ago.  It is all metal, about 5 inches long and really heavy.  I think it once held cigarettes in the compartment on top.  Froedert was a malting company in Milwaukee and is no longer in business.

It is an interesting decoration with a railroad motif.

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