Thursday, June 4, 2015

Blacksmith shop interior

I have added interior detail to the blacksmith shop.  Hopefully it will be visible through the open front door after the roof is installed.

There is a red light bulb inserted through the underside of the forge and a hole drilled in the top so I should get a red glow.  I also glued a few jagged pieces of clear styrene stained red over the hole to simulate low flame.  At left you see a worker at the anvil - the forge is behind him.  The shelving at the back was made from card stock with "stuff" placed on the shelves.

This is a view from above of the same scene.

The photo above shows the other side of the shop with a scratch built workbench that has a scratch built vise on it along with various commercial tool details.  In the back is the door to the storage shed with the door partially open.  The guy at the door is sitting on a scratch built chair made from wood and card stock.

And above is an elevated view of that side.  You can see the fence partially enclosing the rear area beside the shed.  There are no details there as yet.

My next task is to add the roof which will hold a hood with chimney over the forge.

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