Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blacksmith shop model complete

I have completed the blacksmith model.  Before I installed the roof, I put a test roof on to see how well I could see the interior - not well at all.  So I installed a ceiling light.  I tested it with a battery and it worked well.  I will provide a photo with the lighted interior after I install it of the layout.

I shingled the roof using the venerable Campbell paper shingles.  What I like about them is they provide a rough shingle look.

The photo above shows the rear fenced area outside the back door.

This was a relatively simple structure to build - the most involved part being the interior details.

I like scratch building after many years of building kits.  It gives me unique structures whereas kits can be found on many layouts.   Kit manufacturers do most of the hard work and there are some really good ones.  I believe the ones who create realistic and prototypical structures are the best though some well known manufacturers make interesting but very non-prototypical style kits.  I am not naming anyone but I suspect you know.  I also think it is sad that some scratch builders just copy kits.  It is not that hard to design your own structures if you use prototype photos.  They are available in great quantity on the Internet.

I have already decided on my next industry model.  It will be a Platform Scale Company.

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