Saturday, November 7, 2015

A busy lumber yard 1939

These photos show a busy lumber yard in 1939.  Those are really high stacks of lumber.  In the first photo you can see the stack of the steam sawmill in the back of the lumber piles on the left.  I thought I had some decent lumber piles at my layout sawmill but they are nothing like these.

There are two car loads of lumber in this scene.  They have just come from the mill and will be off-loaded for drying.  You can see that there are separator boards between the layers of lumber to allow drying.

This photo shows another area of the lumber yard with a two-wheeled wagon heavily loaded with lumber.  That dirt road through the yard is heavily rutted from the heavy loads traversing it.

The above photo shows a modern load of poles.  I took the photo in 1990 near Washington Grove, Maryland.  I found the means of securing the poles to be interesting.

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