Thursday, November 12, 2015

Glue factory storage and shipping building

This structure took longer than I expected that it would.  This is the last of the glue factory buildings - next I will build a water tower and some chemical tanks, and then scenic the entire factory area.  This is a wood structure with a masonry (hydrocal) foundation.

The shipping dock is on the near end of the structure.  It will not have a rail siding.  There are a number of details on the roof,  seen in this view is a pallet, and a tarp covered stack of barrels.  The barrels under the tarp are simple dowel sections and the tarp is made from facial tissue.  

In the above view you can see the dock on the left side of the building for moving materials into the storage building.  The barrels of finished glue products are moved from the dry house via the upper balcony onto the roof of the storage building, and then lowered by a vertical conveyor inside the building.  The worker on the balcony is moving a barrel by rolling it with his feet - very inappropriate.  He is a plastic figure and I added a hat to his head and an apron to his front. 

I still plan to add more details to this structure but most of it is complete.  The finished building has a much different look from my initial sketches.  I also made changes as construction progressed - that is usually the way I build things.  It sometimes presents problems in the construction process.  

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine how long it took you to build this little storage warehouse replica. It is really well done too! Please continue to keep posting your work online!
