Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Rooming house completed

I have now completed the rooming house mode,  both interior and exterior (unless I decide to add something else).  For me nothing is ever totally complete as I decide from time to time to make additions or changes.

As you can see I added a few more details including signs and a trash can.

And now I will try to show the interior details installed though it is difficult to show them in these overhead photos - much easier to see when looking in person and since the model will be inches from the edge of the layout, viewing the interior with the roof removed will be fairly easy.

There are two bedrooms upstairs along with the hall and shared bathroom at the back.

The bedrooms are fairly sparse with a bed, a dresser, a water heater and a table in each plus a few additional details.

On the dresser at the top you can see a gray hat.  The dresser at he bottom has a book standing on end.

The left bedroom has a pair of boots beside the trunk though hard to see.  There are clothes hanging on the walls inside each bedroom door.  I

I enjoy making these interior details, most of which are scratch built.

Now that this model is complete I need to decide what to build next.  I am working on an SS Ltd truck kit and a PRR well flat kit so I am not without things to occupy my time.  With the New Year approaching I will be doing some celebrating with my wife and family.

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