Saturday, December 26, 2015

Rooming house interior details

Here are some of the interior details I will be installing in the rooming house upper floor.  The two beds have SSLtd cast metal ends but the rest of the beds are made from a slab of wood covered with a facial tissue sheet and pillow made from rolled up facial tissue.  In the rear you can see the cast metal SSLtd bed and pillow that I did not use.

In the rear at right is a cast meat toilet bowl with an elevated water tank made from wood.  My grand mother had one of those in her summer cottage.  At the front left is a clawfoot style bathtub I made from card stock and wood.  There are two commercial trunks and a commercial sink laying on it's side.  There are two chairs, the left one is cast metal and the right one is made from small pieces of wood.  I will be making some more details such as carpets and clothes hanging on a hook on the wall - all will be made from facial tissue.  I use facial tissue for many things including revised clothing for figures, laundry and rags hanging, simulated canvas and much more.

Next I will start installing these things in the building but I thought it would be easier to see them like this rather than after they are installed.

An article on the gas station I built a while back has now been published in the January issue of the NMRA magazine.

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