Saturday, January 16, 2016

Warehouse handling equip factory progress

The warehouse handling equipment factory is progressing.  The main structure is essentially complete.  I have added a few details on the loading docks and the roof.

The loading dock on the right is for receiving and shipping materials and products by truck.  It is also for loading supplies onto the tramrail which will run along this side of the building to load supplies into the material loading windows/doors.  The small structure on the main roof houses an elevator to the main structure and provides access to the roof for additional work space.

The loading platform will have some of the factory products added.   

The above view shows the rear of the structure and the trailside loading dock.  Originally I made the roof for the upper section as a peaked roof but it did not look right so I removed it and made another flat roof.  

Next I need to add the tramrail, a small boiler house on the other end to provide power for the factory, signs,  and workers.  


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