Thursday, January 21, 2016

W.H.E. Factory Boiler house

I have completed the warehouse handling equipment factory boiler house.  It is a small wood structure located at the opposite end of the factory from the loading dock.

The boiler house sits on a concrete base with wood sides and a corrugated metal roof.

I have installed a number of details inside the boiler house.  The details include a boiler (not much detail on it as it is not readily visible,  just a simplistic scratch build),  a wood coal bin with a scratch built shovel leaning against it, an open top barrel made from a soda straw, a wood filing cabinet,  and a piece of machinery made from pieces of cast metal truck side frames, wood scraps and metal bits.  I have no idea what this machine is but it cost nothing and occupies some vacant space.

Above is a view of the inside of the boiler house from the side that will be attached to the factory.  It is kind of dark but gives some idea of the interior.

And above is the framework of the boiler house before I added the siding and roof.  Only the boiler and coal bin are inside.

My next task is to build the tramrail that runs along side of the factory.  Then the final details before installing on the layout are some factory products for the loading docks.

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