Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Abandoned building completed.

I have completed the abandoned building and installed it on my layout.  It is against the wall to the right of the  transfer company.  This is a very small structure but I like it.  I added a small spacer section on the left so there is room between the transfer company and the abandoned building fence.

Above is a straight on view.  I have added some scenery and some junk.

Above is a view slightly from the left side.

And above is a view slightly from the right side.  Each photo shows slightly different details.

I am now in the process of constructing a small complex of buildings that will be installed to the right of the abandoned building.  They represent a very run down but operational set of buildings - kind of fitting for what seems to be a seedy section of town.  This set of structures is being based on an old photo in a book that I have.

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