Thursday, March 24, 2016

Abandoned building start

This is the start of an abandoned building which will adjoin a very old wood factory building which is still in use.  This structure is mostly complete but there are still details to be added.  The left section front with the covered windows is a remnant from an old resin building kit.  The rest of the brick structure is SS ltd paper brick sheeting.  The smaller beige structure is made from wood and card stock, and has a commercial card stock copper style roof.

The fence on the left is from wood strips and the detritus pile is made from part of a junk casting with bricks and vegetation added.

I added a weathered paper sign on the upper left wall.

Above is a better view of the right side.  As I said, there is still work to be done on this.  I will post the finished version of this structure before I get to the larger wood structure.

With the warmer weather I am forced to spend time working in the yard, but I prefer warm weather to cold weather.

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