Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Factory building #2

This is the second of three buildings in this factory complex.  It will be located behind the prior wood factory building, separated by an alley.  It will be to the right of the abandoned building.  This building was constructed using a variety of components.  The left side is from an old resin kit building part.  There is a wood addition in the lower front of this section.  The right side was made using plastic brick sheet.  The center section was built from card stock then covered with pieces of corrugated metal by Campbell.  The windows are plastic commercial parts of long forgotten origin.

This structure is purposely built to represent an old and deteriorated building.  To achieve the deteriorated look I covered the painted brick with a wash of white acrylic paint.  The wood parts were painted gray and then given a coat of india ink & alcohol.  The corrugated metal was painted various colors then given washes of other colors, mostly rusty.  Lastly I applied various chalk weathering.

There is still more work to be done on this structure including signs and other details.

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