Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wheel Company factory

I have decided that the factory I have been building will be a Wheel Company factory.  This company's business has been declining due to the dwindling demand for wagon type wheels in my 1939 era.  The company was founded in the late 1800's and for many years it was quite profitable.  The deterioration of the business has been accompanied by the deterioration  of the buildings.  I remember when I was a small boy in the early 1940's living with my mother and brother in rented rooms on the upper floor of a suburban home, that an ice vendor would periodically stop on our street to deliver ice.  He would also give small pieces of ice to us kids.  He used a horse and wagon to do his business, so wagons were in use into the 1940's despite the growing use of trucks and automobiles.

Above is building #2 with updates for details and signs.  I added a stack and a roof top access to the roof as well as signs.

And above is building number 3.  It is a brick structure built using left over kit parts (do not recall what kits) for the front of the structure and plastic brick sheet (interestingly a Vollmer product marked "made in West Germany" on the back) for the right side.  The other side and back are made from card stock, as is the roof.  

Above is the first wood structure adjoining the 3rd structure.

Next I will install all three buildings on the layout with a little scenery.  That should be posted perhaps by this weekend depending on what else life has in store for me.

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