Monday, April 25, 2016

Wheel Company factory on the layout

The Wheel Company factory is now complete and installed on the layout with a little scenery around it.  I added an ice delivery wagon at the right in front of the factory.  The wagon is having it's left front wheel replaced.  There is a support under the axle since the wheel has not yet been installed.  The figure installing the wheel was a figure originally designed to install a wheel on a car but I repainted him in more vintage clothing and made a hat for his head.  The brim of the hat was made from Kleenex painted with acrylic paint and the top of the hate is from successive drops of white glue.  The wagon driver is leaning on the back of the wagon watching the process.

I placed a number of weathered wheels around the factory leaning on the walls.  I made a sawhorse out of wood scraps and placed it in the front.

In the view above you can see the used wheels against the left wall and there is a pile of scrap wood against the wall behind the walking figure.  Both standing figures were Plasticville figures that had been carrying suitcases which I removed before painting the figures.

Above is a view of the right wall and you can see the horse which pulls the wagon eating grass against the wall.  I installed two barrels - one on each side,  The barrels were made from plastic soda straws with a circle of paper glued to the base.

Above is the ad which inspired my model.  I found it is a 1917 industrial book.  The Archibald company apparently went out of business in the 1920's.

I have been planning my next model and at this point have only a germ of an idea.

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